Why do cats glow in the dark? Scientists say it is likely to help them communicate
Scientists in Australia have discovered that 125 species of mammals are able to glow in the dark, including humans.

(Photo: iStock/Lyudmila Lucienne)
Looks like Avatar's Nav'i aren't the only ones who can glow in the dark. Scientists have found that domestic felines are one of 125 species that have been discovered to have fluorescent properties that illuminate them under UV light, according to a new study published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.
Experts in Australia reviewed a museum's collection of mammals to find out how many glowed in the dark when a UV light was turned on and found 125 species were able to do so.
The mammals that were found to illuminate under UV lights include bats, platypus, koalas, polar bears, zebras, dolphins and humans.
“While the amount and location of fluorescence varied between species, all exhibited some form of apparent fluorescence. Areas of fluorescence included white and light fur, quills, whiskers, claws, teeth and some naked skin,” said the researchers.

The ability to glow in the dark has been noted in numerous animals in the past but it is not known how widespread it was.
The role of fluorescent properties is still unknown but it is likely to help animals of the same species communicate.
The study authors said: "Fluorescence was most common and most intense among nocturnal species and those with terrestrial, arboreal and fossorial habits, with more of their body being more fluorescent.
"It remains unclear if fluorescence has any specific biological role for mammals. It appears to be a ubiquitous property of unpigmented fur and skin may function to make these areas appear brighter and therefore enhance visual signalling, especially for nocturnal species."