Subway gives A$2,664 gift card to woman fined for half-eaten chicken sandwich at Australian immigration
Australian TikTok user Jessica Lee posted a video of herself unboxing the Subway gift card and saying "Subway you have outdone yourself and this fine is worth every single penny."

Australian TikTok user Jessica Lee aka @_jessicaleeee showing off her Subway gift card worth the amount of her AS$2,664 fine for bringing in a half-eaten chicken sandwich into Australia without declaring its contents.
Winner, winner, chicken sandwich dinner?
Subway has helped out an Australian TikTok user who was fined A$2,664 for bringing in a half-eaten sandwich into Australia without declaring its contents, flouting the country's strict biosecurity laws.
The fast food chain gave the woman, Jessica Lee, a gift card with an amount equivalent to her fine, she revealed on TikTok.
Lee admitted in an earlier TikTok video: “I bought a footlong Subway at Singapore (Changi) Airport, because I was a hungry girl after my 11-hour flight." She ate half, saved the other half and brought it home to Perth, but failed to document this on her declaration form.
“I didn’t tick chicken, and I didn’t tick lettuce. Chicken and lettuce!" she said.
In a new TikTok video posted on Jul 18, Lee was seen unboxing the Subway gift card along with some swag from the company.
The video was captioned "Subway makes my fine worth every single cent" and her post said "basically free subs for a year".
A card from Subway said: "We hope this covers all your chicken and lettuce needs".
"Subway, you have outdone yourself. And this fine is worth every single penny," Lee said, after much ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the Subway freebies.
"You can best guess what I'm getting for lunch and for dinner tonight," she added.
Subway had earlier hinted that it would help her out. When Domino's Australia tagged the sandwich chain saying "pls make this right", they responded: "We're on it".
A fine idea for compensation or not, let's hope Lee likes Subway.